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How to short Ethereum

Quick Answer: How To Short Ethereum?

To short Ethereum, open a margin trading account on a crypto exchange that supports short selling, initiate a ‘Sell’ order for ETH expecting its price to drop, and then buy back ETH at a lower price to profit from the price difference. Ensure to use risk management tools like stop-loss orders to mitigate potential losses.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Sign Up: Create and verify your account to get started.

  2. Deposit Funds: Add capital to your account using the platform’s supported payment methods.

  3. Find Ethereum: Use the search function to locate Ethereum (ETH) among the available assets.

  4. Open a Short Position: Click “Sell” on Ethereum, indicating you expect its price to decrease.

  5. Set Risk Management: Implement stop-loss orders to manage potential losses on your position.

  6. Close to Profit: Monitor the market and close your position at an opportune time to lock in profits or minimise losses.



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Introduction To Going Short On Ethereum

In the fluctuating arena of cryptocurrency, the ability to short sell Bitcoin presents a valuable strategy for traders aiming to profit from downward price movements. This guide is designed to unravel the complexities of short selling Bitcoin, especially focusing on how platforms like MEXC enable traders to navigate these waters. With the right knowledge and tools, short selling Bitcoin can be a powerful tactic in a trader’s arsenal, allowing for profits in both rising and falling markets.

Ethereum, a key player in the cryptocurrency world, not only offers a digital currency, Ether (ETH), but also a platform for developing decentralized applications (dApps). Its significance in the DeFi and NFT sectors makes its market movements particularly noteworthy for traders. How to short Ethereum, given its volatility and the breadth of its ecosystem, can be a lucrative strategy when approached with the right knowledge and tools. This guide aims to equip traders with the necessary insights to short sell Ethereum on platforms like eToro & MEXC, taking advantage of market downturns for potential profit.

What is Short Selling?

trader with 6 large screens

Shorting Ethereum is a trading strategy that anticipates a decline in ETH’s market price. It involves selling Ethereum at its current price without owning it first, with the intention of purchasing it back at a lower price. This difference between the selling price and the lower buying price represents the trader’s profit. The process is facilitated through derivative products like CFDs, allowing traders to engage in these transactions without the complexities of handling the actual cryptocurrency. This strategy is not without its risks, as misjudging the marketplace can lead to significant losses, especially when leveraging is involved.

Why People Short Sell Ethereum?

Shorting Ethereum appeals to traders for several reasons:

Speculation on Price Declines:

Given Ethereum’s market volatility, traders speculate on short-term price drops to make quick profits. Events such as network upgrades or regulatory news can trigger price movements that experienced traders can exploit.

Hedging Against Market Volatility:

Investors holding Ethereum or other crypto assets may short sell as a hedge, protecting their portfolio against potential downturns in the broader cryptocurrency market.

Portfolio Diversification:

By adding short selling to their trading strategies, investors can make profits in both rising and falling markets, enhancing their portfolio’s resilience to market changes.

Why Short Selling Ethereum Can Be Beneficial?

Short selling Ethereum through Plus 500 leverages the platform’s advanced trading tools and real-time data, offering traders a strategic edge in predicting and profiting from Ethereum’s price movements. The ability to trade on margin allows for significant potential returns from relatively small market movements. However, this comes with increased risk, making it essential to employ prudent risk management strategies.


Financial markets talking to each other

What Options Do I Have For Shorting Ethereum?

Shorting Eth, much like any other asset, can be executed through various markets and strategies, each offering unique advantages and risks. Here’s a detailed exploration of the different avenues available to traders looking to short Ethereum:

1. Direct Short Selling on Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Some cryptocurrency exchanges allow for direct short selling, where traders can borrow Ethereum directly from the exchange and sell it at the current market price. This method requires opening a margin account with the exchange, where the trader must maintain a minimum balance (margin) to cover potential losses.

  • Pros: Direct interaction with the crypto market; immediate execution of trades.

  • Cons: Risk of margin calls if the market moves against the trader; potential for high interest rates on borrowed Ethereum.

2. Trading Ethereum CFDs (Contracts for Difference)

CFD trading platforms, enable traders to speculate on the price movement of Ethereum without owning the underlying asset. Traders open a contract to exchange the difference in Ethereum’s price from when the position is opened to when it is closed.

  • Pros: Ability to use leverage to increase potential returns; no need to manage the actual cryptocurrency.

  • Cons: Leverage also increases potential losses; financing costs for keeping positions open overnight.

3. Using Futures Contracts

Futures markets offer Ethereum futures contracts, which are agreements to buy or sell Ethereum at a predetermined price at a specific date in the future. Short selling through futures involves selling futures contracts with the expectation that Ethereum’s price will decline.

  • Pros: Futures contracts are standardized and traded on regulated exchanges, providing a level of security and liquidity.

  • Cons: Futures trading can be complex and may involve high fees; risk of significant losses if the marketplace moves unfavorably.

4. Options Trading

Options provide the right, but not the obligation, to sell Ethereum at a predetermined price before the option expires. Purchasing put options allows traders to profit from a decline in Ethereum’s price.

  • Pros: Limited loss potential to the premium paid for the option; flexibility in execution strategies.

  • Cons: The need for precise timing; options may expire worthless if the marketplace does not move as expected.

5. Prediction Markets

Prediction markets allow traders to speculate on the outcome of future events, including the price movements of Ethereum. Traders can take positions that pay out if Ethereum’s price falls below a certain level by a specific date.

  • Pros: Innovative way to engage with market forecasting; potential for high returns on accurate predictions.

  • Cons: Less regulated than traditional financial markets; may have lower liquidity.

6. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Platforms

DeFi platforms offer various mechanisms for shorting Ethereum, including synthetic assets and decentralized borrowing and lending protocols where traders can borrow Ethereum to short sell.

  • Pros: Operates within the Ethereum ecosystem, offering a decentralized approach; innovative financial products.

  • Cons: High risk due to the nascent and volatile nature of DeFi; potential for smart contract vulnerabilities.

7. Traditional Markets

For traders looking to short Ethereum exposure indirectly, traditional financial markets offer instruments like ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) and ETPs (Exchange-Traded Products) that track Ethereum’s price. Short selling these products can be a way to speculate on Ethereum’s price without directly engaging with the cryptocurrency marketplace.

  • Pros: Access through traditional brokerage accounts; regulated investment products.

  • Cons: May not offer the same profit potential as direct shorting due to fees and tracking errors.

Shorting ETH offers a spectrum of strategies across different markets, each with its unique set of tools, risks, and opportunities. Whether through direct shorting on exchanges, derivative trading on platforms like MEXC, engaging with futures and options, participating in prediction markets, exploring DeFi platforms, or utilizing traditional marketplace instruments, traders have numerous avenues to speculate on the decline of Ethereum’s price. It’s crucial for traders to conduct thorough research, understand the risks involved, and consider their own trading preferences and risk tolerance when choosing the most suitable method for shorting ETH.

Short and long term planning

When Is A Good Time To Short Ethereum? Short & Long Term View

Deciding on the optimal time to short Ethereum, or any asset, requires a nuanced understanding of market conditions, sentiment, and underlying fundamentals. Both short-term and long-term perspectives offer different cues that might suggest it’s an opportune time to initiate a short position.

Short-Term View

In the short term, traders often look for technical indicators and marketplace sentiment shifts that signal a potential decline in Ethereum’s price. Key indicators include:

  • Overbought Conditions: Technical tools like the Relative Strength Index (RSI) can indicate when Ethereum is overbought, suggesting it may be due for a correction.

  • Bearish Chart Patterns: Patterns such as head and shoulders, double tops, and bearish engulfing candles can signal a potential reversal in price.

  • Negative News or Events: Short-term market sentiment can be heavily influenced by news. Events such as regulatory crackdowns, security breaches in major crypto exchanges, or negative developments within the Ethereum network can lead to quick price declines.

  • Sudden Spikes in Volume: An abrupt increase in trading volume accompanying a price drop can indicate strong selling pressure, suggesting a good entry point for a short position.

Long-Term View

For a long-term perspective, the decision to short Ethereum may stem from fundamental analysis and broader market trends, using these to determine your trading strategy:

  • Regulatory Changes: Long-term regulatory shifts that could potentially stifle the adoption or functionality of Ethereum might provide a basis for a longer-term short position.

  • Competition and Innovation: The emergence of strong competitors to Ethereum, offering better scalability, lower fees, or more robust security, could threaten Ethereum’s market position.

  • Market Cycles: Cryptocurrency markets go through cycles of bull and bear markets. Entering short positions as the marketplace shows signs of transitioning from a bull to a bear market, based on macroeconomic indicators or shifts in investor sentiment, could be advantageous.

  • Technological Challenges: Long-term issues related to Ethereum’s scalability, transition to proof-of-stake (Ethereum 2.0), or significant bugs in the protocol could justify a bearish outlook.

Tips for Successful Short Selling of Ethereum

Sign saying helpful tips in black and yellow
  • In-depth Market Research: Staying informed about Ethereum-specific developments and the broader cryptocurrency market trends is key to successful shorting.

  • Prudent Use of Leverage: While leverage can amplify profits, it can also magnify losses. It’s important to use leverage judiciously and in line with one’s risk tolerance.

  • Risk Management Practices: Setting stop-loss orders and regularly reviewing open positions can help manage the risks associated with short selling Ethereum.

  • Continuous Learning: The crypto marketplace is constantly evolving. Successful traders continuously educate themselves on marketplace trends, trading strategies, and risk management techniques.


In the dynamic and often unpredictable realm of cryptocurrency trading, shorting Ethereum (ETH) presents a sophisticated strategy that leverages falling prices to generate profit. This approach, particularly through margin trading accounts on trading platforms and crypto exchanges, offers traders the opportunity to capitalize on price volatility and marketplace fundamentals that suggest a decrease in the price of ETH. However, engaging in Ethereum margin trading and futures trading comes with its complexities, including the need for active management and a thorough understanding of the leverage ratio, margin facility, and the potential for a margin call if market movements head in the opposite direction.

Short selling ETH and opening a short bitcoin position, especially in a marketplace characterized by high price volatility, demands a strategic approach that encompasses technical analysis to predict marketplace direction and trading strategies that align with both the short term outlook and the inversely correlated marketplace movements. The allure of shorting Ethereum lies in its unlimited downside potential, where traders can benefit from the falling price of this underlying asset, aiming to sell at high selling prices and repurchase at a lower price. However, this potential comes with the risk of unlimited losses, particularly if prices fall less than anticipated or rebound, underscoring the importance of understanding the mechanisms of short trades and the functionalities of a margin account.

Ethereum futures and the broader concept of short selling ETH on trading platforms and crypto exchanges introduce traders to a realm where the ability to anticipate price decreases becomes as critical as the strategies employed to navigate these marketplace conditions. The leverage associated with Ethereum margin trading amplifies both gains and losses, making it essential for traders to maintain a balance between their leverage ratio and their capacity to meet margin call, should the market move in the opposite direction.

Moreover, engaging in short ETH transactions requires a keen insight into market fundamentals, an ability to read signs of falling prices, and a readiness to act swiftly in response to market signals. The volatile nature of Ethereum’s price, coupled with the complexities of futures trading and margin facilities, demands a disciplined approach to trading, where understanding the intricacies of the trading account, the trading platform, and the underlying asset is paramount.

In conclusion, short selling Ethereum offers a unique opportunity for those looking to profit from the cryptocurrency’s price volatility and marketplace movements in the opposite direction of traditional bullish sentiment. However, it necessitates a high level of technical analysis, an understanding of marketplace direction, and a commitment to active management to mitigate the risks associated with high leverage and the potential for significant financial exposure. Whether engaging in short term outlook trading, utilizing ETH futures, or navigating the complexities of a crypto exchange, traders must approach short selling ETH with caution, armed with a strategy that accounts for the unpredictable nature of the crypto markets and the inherent risks of margin trading.


Shorting Ethereum means selling ETH at a current high price with the intention of buying it back later at a lower price. This trading strategy aims to profit from the anticipated decline in Ethereum’s price.

Not all cryptocurrency exchanges allow short selling. To short Ethereum, you need to use a platform that offers margin trading or derivatives like CFDs (Contracts for Difference) that support short positions.

The primary risk is the potential for unlimited losses if Ethereum’s price increases instead of decreases. The use of leverage can amplify both gains and losses, making it important to use risk management strategies like stop-loss orders.

Opening a short position should be based on thorough market analysis, including technical indicators and news that might affect Ethereum’s price. Closing a position, whether for profit or to cut losses, depends on market movements and your risk tolerance. Setting predefined criteria for both can help manage this process.

Short selling Ethereum involves significant risk, especially due to the cryptocurrency market’s volatility and the complexity of using leverage. It’s generally recommended for more experienced traders who understand how to conduct market analysis and manage risk effectively. Beginners should approach with caution and consider starting with a demo account to practice.

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I'm Dom Farnell, a retail investor sharing my market experiences through blogs and articles. Though not a professional advisor, I aim to offer practical insights based on real-world experience, exploring strategies, challenges, and opportunities in investing.

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