How to Trade Oil Online in the UK

Authored by:
Thomas Drury
Thomas Drury

Thomas Drury


Seasoned finance professional with 10+ years' experience. Chartered status holder. Proficient in CFDs, ISAs, and crypto investing. Passionate about helping others achieve financial goals.

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Reviewed by:
Dom Farnell
Dom Farnell

Dom Farnell


Dom, a Co-Founder at TIC, is an avid investor and experienced blogger who specialises in financial markets and wealth management. He strives to help people make smart investment decisions through clear and engaging content.

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Last Updated 06/05/2024
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Quick Answer

To trade oil online in the UK, follow these five steps:

  1. Choose a reliable online broker.
  2. Open and fund your trading account.
  3. Understand and monitor oil market trends.
  4. Use trading platforms to place orders.
  5. Manage risks with stop-loss and take-profit strategies.

Step-by-Step Guide to Trading Oil for Beginners

Step 1: Understand the Basics of Oil Trading

Before you start trading, grasp the key concepts of oil trading. Learn about the major benchmarks, such as Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI), which serve as global price references for buyers and sellers. Recognize how geopolitical events, changes in supply-demand dynamics, and economic indicators like inventory reports impact oil prices. Familiarize yourself with the terminology used in oil trading, such as “futures,” “spot prices,” and “contracts.”

Step 2: Choose the Right Broker

Selecting a broker is a critical step. You need a platform that not only provides robust tools and comprehensive market access but also supports commodities trading with an emphasis on oil. Research brokers that are regulated by credible authorities like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK to ensure security and reliability. Platforms like eToro and Saxo Bank are popular among both beginners and experienced traders for their advanced charting tools, educational resources, and user-friendly interfaces.

Step 3: Set Up and Fund Your Trading Account

Once you’ve chosen a broker, you’ll need to set up and fund your trading account. The registration process typically requires submitting proof of identity and residency, which could be a passport and a utility bill or bank statement. When funding your account, be mindful of your investment budget and risk tolerance. Start with a sum that allows you to trade effectively while managing potential losses.

Step 4: Start with a Demo Account

Especially crucial for beginners, using a demo account allows you to practice trading without financial risk. A demo account simulates real trading conditions, enabling you to experiment with different trading strategies and familiarize yourself with the trading platform. Use this opportunity to monitor how oil prices react to different economic events and to test out analytical tools like technical indicators and economic calendars.

Step 5: Begin Trading

With a solid understanding and sufficient practice under your belt, begin real trading. Decide on your trading approach, whether it’s buying and selling oil futures contracts, trading oil CFDs, or investing in oil stocks or ETFs. Apply technical analysis to forecast price movements and incorporate fundamental analysis to understand how events could affect the oil market. Always employ risk management strategies—such as setting stop-loss and take-profit orders—to mitigate losses and protect profits.

This step-by-step approach equips you with the essential knowledge and skills needed for successful oil trading. As you gain more experience, continuously educate yourself about the oil market’s intricacies and stay updated with global economic trends to refine your trading strategies.

Where Can I Trade Oil?

Trading oil as a commodity can be done through several platforms and instruments, each offering unique benefits and considerations. Here’s a guide on where you can trade oil and what each option involves:

1. Commodity Exchanges

Oil can be traded on major commodity exchanges such as the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE). On these exchanges, oil is primarily traded in the form of futures contracts, which are agreements to buy or sell oil at a predetermined price on a specific future date. Trading on these platforms requires understanding of futures contracts and often involves higher capital requirements.

2. Online Brokers

Online brokers provide access to oil trading through various financial instruments including futures, contracts for difference (CFDs), and options. Platforms like eToro, Saxo, and AvaTrade offer user-friendly interfaces that cater to both novice and experienced traders. They provide tools for technical analysis, real-time data, and educational resources to help traders make informed decisions.

3. Contract for Difference (CFD) Providers

CFDs are a popular way to trade oil due to their flexibility and lower capital requirements. CFDs allow traders to speculate on the price movement of oil without actually owning the physical commodity or dealing with futures contracts. 

4. Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Mutual Funds

If direct exposure to oil prices seems daunting, consider oil-focused ETFs and mutual funds. These funds invest in oil futures contracts, oil company stocks, or both, allowing you to gain exposure to oil prices indirectly. Examples include the United States Oil Fund (USO) and Vanguard Energy ETF. These are available through regular brokerage accounts.

5. Direct Stock Purchase

Buying stocks of major oil companies such as ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Royal Dutch Shell is another way to invest in the oil industry. While stock prices are influenced by oil prices, they also depend on company performance, making this a less direct method of trading oil. Stock trading can be done through any stock brokerage platform.

6. Social Trading Platforms

Platforms like eToro allow users to engage in social trading, where you can copy the trades of experienced oil traders. This is useful for those who prefer a more hands-off approach but still want exposure to oil trading.

Each trading avenue comes with its own set of risks and benefits, and the choice depends on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and trading experience. It’s advisable to conduct thorough research or consult with a financial advisor to find the best platform for your trading needs. Whether you’re directly trading oil futures or indirectly investing through ETFs, staying informed and cautious will enhance your trading experience and potential returns.

What is Oil Trading?

Oil trading involves buying and selling different forms of oil and oil-related products, primarily to profit from fluctuating global oil prices. There are several ways to engage in oil trading:

  1. Spot Trading: Buying or selling oil at its current market price for immediate delivery.

  2. Futures Contracts: Agreements to buy or sell oil at a predetermined price at a specific date in the future. This method allows traders to speculate on price movements without the need for physical oil.

  3. Options Trading: Similar to futures, but with the option (not the obligation) to buy or sell at a set price.

  4. CFDs (Contracts for Difference): Traders can speculate on oil price movements without owning the underlying asset, focusing on price changes rather than physical trade.

Oil trading is influenced by global economic factors, geopolitical events, and supply and demand dynamics. It’s a highly volatile market, often used by traders for both short-term profit and long-term investment strategies.

What Moves the Price of Oil?

The price of oil is subject to a variety of factors that influence futures prices and its volatility:

  1. Global Economic Health: The stronger the global economy, the higher the demand for oil, typically driving up prices.

  2. Political Stability and Policies: Political events, especially in major oil-producing countries, can significantly impact oil supply and prices.

  3. OPEC Policies: Decisions by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) regarding oil production levels can cause price fluctuations.

  4. Technological Advances: Improvements in extraction and production technology can increase supply, potentially lowering prices.

  5. Market Speculation: Traders’ perceptions of future market conditions can lead to price changes as they buy or sell based on these expectations.

Is Trading Oil Ethical?

The ethical implications of trading oil are a subject of considerable debate, reflecting broader concerns about environmental impact, economic dependency, and geopolitical tensions associated with fossil fuels. Here’s an exploration of the key ethical considerations:

Environmental Concerns

The primary ethical issue with trading oil arises from its environmental impact. Oil exploration, extraction, and consumption are major contributors to carbon emissions, leading to global warming and climate change. The environmental degradation from oil spills and other accidents also poses significant risks to ecosystems and biodiversity. Traders and investors are increasingly considering the environmental costs of their activities, questioning whether profits from oil trading are worth the environmental damage.

Economic Dependency

Oil trading can perpetuate economic dependency on fossil fuels for many countries, delaying the transition to renewable energy sources. This dependency not only affects national energy policies but also influences global economic stability. Countries reliant on oil revenues may experience economic volatility with fluctuating oil prices, which can lead to economic downturns and societal unrest.

Geopolitical Issues

The oil industry is often intertwined with geopolitical conflicts. Oil-rich regions may experience political instability, as various entities vie for control over valuable resources. This can lead to wars and conflicts that have far-reaching implications for global peace and security. The ethical question arises whether trading in oil commodifies natural resources that often become the focal points of conflict.

Social Responsibility

From an ethical standpoint, there is growing pressure on companies and investors to demonstrate corporate social responsibility (CSR). This involves shifting investments from fossil fuels to cleaner, sustainable alternatives. The divestment movement, which advocates for pulling investments out of oil and other fossil fuels, has gained momentum as part of broader climate action initiatives.

Ethical Investing

Many traders are turning to ethical investing practices that prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. This shift is part of a larger trend towards sustainability, with an increasing number of funds and investment strategies focusing on green technologies and renewable energy sectors rather than traditional oil and gas industries.

Moral Reflection

As global awareness of climate change increases, individuals and institutions are reflecting more deeply on the morality of their investment choices. Trading oil, with its significant environmental and social impacts, poses moral dilemmas that compel traders to consider not just economic returns but also the broader consequences of their actions.

In conclusion, whether trading oil is ethical depends on one’s values, beliefs, and priorities. It requires balancing economic benefits against environmental, social, and political costs. As the world increasingly looks towards sustainable practices, the ethical considerations of trading in oil are prompting a reevaluation of investment strategies across the globe.

How is Investing in Oil Different to Trading Oil?

Trading Oil: Oil trading is typically short-term and focuses on profiting from market volatility. Traders use various instruments like futures, options, and CFDs, and often rely heavily on technical analysis to make quick, informed decisions. The primary aim is to capitalize on short-term price movements.


  • Flexibility and High Liquidity: Quick entry and exit from the market.

  • Profit from Market Fluctuations: Potential to profit in both rising and falling markets.

  • Leverage: Ability to control large positions with a relatively small amount of capital.


  • Volatility: Rapid price changes can result in significant losses.

  • Leverage Risks: While leverage can amplify profits, it can also magnify losses.

  • Time-Intensive: Requires constant market monitoring and quick decision-making.

Investing in Oil: Investing in oil typically involves a longer-term approach, focusing on the underlying value and future prospects of the oil market. Investors might buy shares in oil companies, own oil stocks, invest in oil ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), or purchase commodity-linked instruments.


  • Potential for Long-Term Growth: Benefits from the overall growth of the oil sector.

  • Diversification: Adding oil investments can diversify a portfolio, potentially reducing risk.

  • Passive Investment: Less time-intensive than active trading.


  • Market Risk: Long-term exposure to market downturns.

  • Company-Specific Risks: If investing in oil company stocks, performance depends on company management and strategies.

  • Commodity Price Risk: Vulnerable to long-term trends in oil prices, which can be influenced by political and environmental factors.

Conclusion: Whether make money trading oil or investing in oil, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of the market dynamics and your own financial goals. Both approaches require a thorough understanding of the oil market and a well-thought-out strategy. Remember, the oil market’s volatility can offer opportunities but also poses significant risks. Always conduct comprehensive research and consider seeking advice from financial professionals before diving into oil trading or investing.


Before trading oil, it’s important to understand the factors that influence oil prices, such as geopolitical events, supply and demand dynamics, and changes in energy policies. Familiarize yourself with the different types of oil, like Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI), and learn how to read futures contracts and market trends.

To start trading oil, first choose a reliable trading platform or broker that offers access to commodities markets. You will need to set up and fund a trading account. Beginners are advised to start with a demo account to practice trading strategies without financial risk before transitioning to real money trading.

Successful oil trading relies on technical analysis tools like charts, trend lines, and indicators such as moving averages and Relative Strength Index (RSI). Economic calendars and news feeds are also crucial for staying updated on events that could affect oil prices. Make sure your chosen trading platform provides these tools.

Trading oil futures offers direct exposure to oil prices but requires understanding specific market conditions and futures contracts. Trading oil stocks is indirectly influenced by oil prices but also depends on company performance. Your choice should depend on your investment goals, risk tolerance, and market knowledge.

Risk management is crucial in oil trading due to the volatility of oil prices. Use stop-loss orders to limit potential losses, diversify your investment across different commodities, and keep track of global economic and political developments. Regularly reassess your strategies and stay informed about the market conditions.

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