How to Buy Cryptocurrency UK

Authored by:
Thomas Drury
Thomas Drury

Thomas Drury


Seasoned finance professional with 10+ years' experience. Chartered status holder. Proficient in CFDs, ISAs, and crypto investing. Passionate about helping others achieve financial goals.

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Reviewed by:
Dom Farnell
Dom Farnell

Dom Farnell


Dom is a Co-Founder of TIC, a passionate investor and seasoned blog writer with a keen interest in financial markets and wealth management. "My goal is to empower individuals to make informed investment decisions through informative and engaging content."

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Last Updated 10/02/2024
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Please keep in mind that Crypto assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.

Quick Answer: How can you Buy Cryptocurrency in the UK?

  1. Select a Crypto Exchange: Choose a reputable platform.

  2. Verify Your Identity: Complete necessary KYC procedures.

  3. Choose Payment Method: Decide between bank transfer or card.

  4. Place an Order: Buy your desired cryptocurrency.

  5. Store Securely: Use hot or cold wallets for safety.

Where to Buy Crypto Comparison Table

Etoro Logo
Coinjar Logo
Cryptocurrencies Available
User Experience
Mobile App
Advanced Trading Tools
UK Accessibility
Overall Review Score

Top 5 Cryptocurrency Exchanges


TIC OKX Review Score 4.35/5

OKX - Best Exchange Overall

OKX Exchange, established in 2017 and headquartered in Seychelles, is a dynamic player in the global cryptocurrency market, offering a wide array of trading options and advanced security measures.



Please keep in mind that Cryptocurrency assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.


Etoro - Best for a Range of Other Investing Features

eToro, in the context of cryptocurrency trading, is widely recognized for its social trading features, allowing users to follow and copy the trades of experienced investors. It also stands out for offering a diverse range of investment options beyond crypto, appealing to those interested in a broader portfolio.



Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong. Take 2 mins to learn more.

Kraken logo

TIC Kraken Review Score 4.3./5

Kraken - Best for Security

Founded in 2011, is a leading cryptocurrency exchange known for its extensive cryptocurrency options, strong security, and user-friendly platform, catering to both new and experienced traders.



Please keep in mind that Cryptocurrency assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.


TIC Coinbase Review Score 4.2/5

Coinbase - Best for Beginners

Coinbase is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it an ideal choice for beginners entering the cryptocurrency space. It also offers a robust security framework and a wide range of cryptocurrencies, ensuring a secure and diverse trading experience.



Please keep in mind that Cryptocurrency assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.


TIC CoinJar Review Score 3.9/5

CoinJar - Easiest to Use

CoinJar is celebrated for its simplicity and ease of use, making it an excellent choice for those new to cryptocurrency trading. It offers a streamlined interface and a straightforward fee structure, catering well to casual investors and beginners.



Please keep in mind that Cryptocurrency assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.

Introduction to Buying Cryptocurrency in the UK

In the rapidly evolving digital age, the allure of cryptocurrency has transcended beyond mere curiosity to become a significant part of the global financial landscape. The United Kingdom, with its robust financial markets and forward-thinking regulatory stance, presents a fertile ground for investors looking to dive into the world of cryptocurrency. However, the journey into this digital frontier is fraught with complexities and nuances that demand a comprehensive understanding.

Overview of Cryptocurrency Investment

Cryptocurrency investment represents not just a venture into a new form of currency but a foray into the future of finance itself. Unlike traditional investments, cryptocurrencies offer a decentralized model, promising a level of autonomy and freedom from central banking systems. This revolutionary aspect, coupled with the potential for substantial returns, makes cryptocurrencies an enticing option for investors. However, the volatile nature of the crypto market requires an informed approach to navigate successfully.

Importance of Understanding the Crypto Market

The crypto market is characterized by its rapid fluctuations and unpredictability. A deep understanding of market trends, the technology underlying cryptocurrencies, and the socio-economic factors influencing market movements is crucial. Investors must also stay abreast of regulatory changes, as the legal landscape surrounding digital currencies is continually evolving. Knowledge is power, and in the crypto market, it is the bedrock of success.

OKX Trading Mobile Screengrab to demonstrate user interface

Selecting a Crypto Exchange

One of the first steps in buying cryptocurrency is choosing the right platform to make your purchase. The choice between crypto exchanges and brokers is pivotal and depends on your investment goals, desired level of involvement, and need for security.

Differences Between Crypto Exchanges and Brokers

Crypto exchanges act as marketplaces where buyers and sellers transact directly with each other, offering a wide array of cryptocurrencies. They provide a platform for trading at market prices and typically cater to a more experienced audience. On the other hand, brokers offer a simpler interface for buying cryptocurrencies at prices set by the broker, making them more suitable for beginners.

Key Features of the Best Crypto Exchanges

The hallmark of a superior crypto exchange lies in its security measures, user-friendly interface, liquidity, and the range of available cryptocurrencies. Features such as two-factor authentication, cold storage options for digital assets, and insurance against cyber theft are indispensable for safeguarding investments. Moreover, an exchange’s reputation, regulatory compliance, and customer support quality are critical factors to consider.

How to Evaluate Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Evaluating a cryptocurrency exchange involves scrutinizing its fee structure, including any hidden costs for deposits, withdrawals, and transactions. The platform’s uptime history and its capacity to handle high volumes without crashing are indicative of reliability. Additionally, examining user reviews and community feedback can provide valuable insights into the exchange’s operational efficiency and customer service responsiveness.

In conclusion, venturing into cryptocurrency investment in the UK is an exciting prospect that requires a calculated approach. By understanding the market, carefully selecting a crypto exchange, and staying informed about the evolving landscape, investors can position themselves to capitalize on the opportunities that cryptocurrencies offer. As with any investment, due diligence and a balanced perspective are key to navigating the digital currency waters successfully.

Understanding Cryptocurrency and Digital Assets

reflecting the concept of buying cryptocurrency in the UK without using letters or words. It features a person in front of a computer screen with market fluctuation charts, holding a smartphone that displays symbols of various cryptocurrencies

The realm of cryptocurrency and digital assets represents the cutting edge of financial technology, challenging traditional notions of money and investment. At the core of this digital revolution are cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, which have paved the way for a plethora of other digital currencies, each with unique functionalities and underlying technologies.

Basics of Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Others

Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency, introduced a decentralized model of digital currency free from central bank control, utilizing blockchain technology to ensure security and transparency. Ethereum expanded on this innovation, offering a platform for executing smart contracts and building decentralized applications. Together, they represent the gold standard of digital currencies, around which a vibrant ecosystem of altcoins orbits.

Digital Assets vs. Traditional Financial Markets

Unlike traditional financial assets, digital currencies offer unprecedented accessibility, allowing anyone with an internet connection to participate in the crypto market. This democratization of finance contrasts sharply with the more regulated and often exclusive traditional financial markets. However, this freedom comes with its own set of challenges, including higher volatility and less regulatory protection.

The Role of Blockchain Technology in Cryptocurrencies

Blockchain technology is the backbone of cryptocurrencies, providing a decentralized ledger for secure and transparent transactions. This innovation not only supports the transfer of digital assets but also ensures integrity and trust in a system without central authority, fundamentally altering how we conceive of and interact with financial systems.

The Investment Process

Investing in cryptocurrency requires a strategic approach, from selecting the right platform to understanding market dynamics.

How to Invest in Cryptocurrency

To begin, investors must choose a reliable crypto exchange or broker, taking into account factors such as security, fees, and available cryptocurrencies.

Step-by-Step Guide to Buying Cryptocurrency

  1. Verifying Your Identity (KYC Procedures): Know Your Customer (KYC) laws necessitate identity verification, ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering regulations.

  2. Adding a Bank Account or Choosing a Payment Method: Link a bank account or select from other payment options like credit cards or e-wallets to fund your account.

  3. Placing Orders and Making Cryptocurrency Purchases: Navigate the platform to buy cryptocurrencies, understanding order types like market and limit orders.

  4. Understanding Market Capitalisation and Trading Volumes: These metrics provide insights into the size and liquidity of cryptocurrencies, guiding investment decisions.

Financial Considerations and Risks

Sign with Do's and Don'ts

The allure of high returns in the crypto market is tempered by its speculative nature and inherent risks.

The Speculative Nature of Cryptocurrency Investments

Cryptocurrencies are highly speculative, with prices driven by market sentiment, technological advancements, and regulatory developments. This speculation can lead to significant price swings, presenting both opportunities and risks.

High Risk and Volatility in the Crypto Market

The cryptocurrency market is known for its extreme volatility, with prices capable of dramatic fluctuations within short periods. Such volatility necessitates a cautious investment strategy and a thorough risk assessment.

Financial Services Compensation Scheme and Its Relevance

Unlike traditional bank deposits, cryptocurrency investments are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, meaning that investors may not be compensated for losses due to platform failure or fraud.

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and UK’s Financial Watchdog Guidelines

The FCA provides oversight in the UK, offering guidelines designed to protect consumers and ensure market integrity. Understanding these regulations is crucial for navigating the crypto market safely and effectively.

Navigating the cryptocurrency market requires a blend of technological understanding, strategic planning, and an awareness of regulatory and financial risks. By approaching this dynamic market with caution and a well-informed perspective, investors can explore the potential of digital assets while mitigating potential downsides.

Crypto Wallets and Security

As the digital asset space expands, understanding the nuances of crypto wallets and security becomes paramount for safeguarding investments.

Differences Between Hot Wallets and Cold Storage

Hot wallets are connected to the internet, facilitating easy transactions but posing a higher security risk. Conversely, cold storage refers to offline methods of storing cryptocurrencies, such as hardware wallets, providing enhanced security by reducing exposure to online threats.

Importance of Private Keys and Secure Storage

Private keys are the cornerstone of cryptocurrency security, granting access to digital assets. Secure storage of these keys is critical, with options ranging from encrypted digital storage to physical copies kept in safe locations.

Crypto Wallets vs. Exchange Accounts

While exchange accounts offer convenience for trading, they often retain control of your private keys, posing a risk if the exchange is compromised. Personal crypto wallets give you full control over your keys and assets, emphasizing the adage, “not your keys, not your coins.”

Trading and Managing Crypto Holdings

Effective trading and management of crypto holdings are crucial for capitalizing on market opportunities and mitigating risks.

Overview of Cryptocurrency Trading Strategies

Trading strategies in the crypto world vary from long-term holding (HODLing) to day trading, arbitrage, and leveraging market trends. Each strategy requires a different level of market knowledge and risk tolerance.

Managing and Diversifying Cryptocurrency Holdings

Diversification is key to managing risk in the volatile crypto market. By spreading investments across different cryptocurrencies and asset classes, investors can mitigate the impact of market downturns.

Understanding Market Trends and Sentiment

Market trends and sentiment play significant roles in cryptocurrency valuations. Staying informed through financial news sites and market analysis can provide insights into potential market movements.

Regulatory and Tax Considerations

Navigating the regulatory and tax landscape is essential for compliant and efficient cryptocurrency investment.

The Financial Conduct Authority’s Role in Cryptocurrency

The FCA provides guidelines and regulations for the UK cryptocurrency market, focusing on consumer protection and preventing financial crimes. Understanding FCA regulations helps investors operate within legal boundaries.

Capital Gains Tax Implications for UK Investors

In the UK, profits from cryptocurrency investments are subject to capital gains tax. Investors must keep detailed records of their transactions to accurately report gains and losses on their tax returns.

Advanced Topics in Cryptocurrency

As investors deepen their engagement with the crypto market, advanced topics offer insights into broader market dynamics and investment strategies.

Crypto Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and Their Impact

Crypto ETFs provide a way for investors to gain exposure to cryptocurrencies through traditional investment vehicles, potentially increasing market accessibility and liquidity.

The Significance of Market Sentiment and Financial News Sites

Market sentiment, heavily influenced by financial news and social media, can drive rapid changes in cryptocurrency valuations. Monitoring these sources can be crucial for timely investment decisions.

Blockchain’s Computing Power and Its Importance

The security and functionality of blockchain technology depend on its computing power. This decentralized processing power underpins the integrity and trustworthiness of cryptocurrency transactions and smart contracts.

In conclusion, navigating the cryptocurrency landscape demands a comprehensive understanding of wallets and security, trading strategies, regulatory compliance, and the implications of advanced market dynamics. By staying informed and cautious, investors can explore the opportunities presented by cryptocurrencies while minimizing their risks.

Additional Considerations

As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, there are several key considerations that potential investors should take into account to navigate the market effectively and safely.

The Verification Process for Buying Crypto

Before participating in the cryptocurrency market, investors must undergo a verification process known as Know Your Customer (KYC). This process, required by most reputable exchanges and platforms, involves providing personal identification to comply with anti-money laundering regulations. The verification process is a crucial step in ensuring the security and legitimacy of financial transactions within the crypto space.

How Cryptocurrencies Operate Within the Digital Currency Space

Cryptocurrencies are a subset of digital currencies, distinguished by their use of cryptography for security and decentralized control. Unlike central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) or electronic money, cryptocurrencies operate on a blockchain, a distributed ledger technology that allows for transparent and tamper-proof transactions. This decentralization is a key characteristic that differentiates cryptocurrencies from other forms of digital currency.

Risks of Investing All Your Money in Cryptocurrencies

While the potential for high returns can be enticing, investing all your money in cryptocurrencies poses significant risks. The high volatility of the crypto market can lead to substantial losses, and the lack of regulatory protections can exacerbate these risks. Diversification is a fundamental principle of investing that applies to cryptocurrency as well; spreading investments across different asset classes can help mitigate potential losses.

OKX Home Page to demonstrate interface for OKX vs Coinbase


Navigating the world of cryptocurrency requires a careful approach, informed by a thorough understanding of the market, regulatory environment, and security practices. Key points to remember include the importance of choosing the right crypto exchange, understanding the nuances of digital wallets, and recognizing the speculative nature of crypto investments.

As the digital currency space continues to grow and evolve, staying informed and adaptable is crucial. The cryptocurrency market is characterized by rapid changes in technology, regulation, and market dynamics. Continuous learning and due diligence are essential for anyone looking to explore the opportunities within this exciting and innovative field.

Encouragement to continue learning about the cryptocurrency space cannot be overstated. Whether you are a seasoned investor or new to the market, the quest for knowledge and understanding of this complex and dynamic domain is a journey worth pursuing. With the right approach and mindset, the world of cryptocurrency offers a unique and potentially rewarding avenue for investment and exploration.


At The Investors Centre, our writers/contributors are required to underpin their work with primary sources. These sources range from government records and white papers to direct reporting and expert interviews in the field. Where suitable, we also integrate research from other distinguished publishing sources. This approach ensures our content remains both accurate and unbiased, as detailed in our editorial guidelines.

How to buy Bitcoin and Ethereum in the UK

How To Buy Cryptocurrency – Forbes Advisor UK

Bitcoin: Crypto fans can now invest in exchange-traded funds – but what are they? – BBC News

Factsheet: cryptoassets technical – GOV.UK



When looking for the best cryptocurrency brokers, beginners should consider platforms that offer user-friendly interfaces, educational resources, and robust customer support. Key options include eToro, Coinbase, and Binance.

Investing all the money in cryptocurrencies can significantly impact financial stability due to the highly volatile nature of the crypto market. Diversifying your investment portfolio is crucial to mitigating risks.

No, investments in cryptocurrencies are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme. Crypto investments carry a high risk, and it’s important to be aware of the lack of financial protection.

To set up an exchange account, select a reputable crypto exchange, complete the sign-up process by providing your email and creating a password, and then verify your identity through the KYC process to start trading.

Managing bitcoin holdings effectively involves understanding the market trends, using secure crypto wallets for storage, and staying informed about regulatory changes that could impact your investment.

Look for a crypto wallet that offers robust security features such as two-factor authentication, multi-signature support, and a secure backup facility to protect your digital assets.

Diversifying your investment portfolio can be achieved by exploring various cryptocurrency markets, including traditional cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as altcoins and crypto ETFs for broader exposure.

Using a cryptocurrency broker can offer benefits such as ease of use for beginners, access to a wider range of financial instruments, and sometimes better customer support compared to direct trading on exchanges.

Bitcoin Cash, being a fork of Bitcoin, offers different benefits such as lower transaction fees and faster processing times. However, its investment potential depends on your investment goals and market research.

When selecting crypto trading platforms, look for features like high liquidity, low transaction fees, a wide range of supported cryptocurrencies, advanced trading tools, and strong security measures to enhance your trading experience.

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