Interactive Investor Review 2024: The Best of the Best Investment Platforms?

Authored by:
Adam Woodhead
Adam Woodhead

Adam Woodhead


Adam is a Co-Founder and content creator for The Investors Centre. His key areas of interest and expertise are cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

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Reviewed by:
Dom Farnell
Dom Farnell

Dom Farnell


Dom is a Co-Founder of TIC, a passionate investor and seasoned blog writer with a keen interest in financial markets and wealth management. "My goal is to empower individuals to make informed investment decisions through informative and engaging content."

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Last Updated 23/01/2024
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Quick Answer

Interactive Investor (2024) 4.4/5: Wide investment options meet user-friendly platform. Strong research tools and security. Fees & peak-hour support need work, but overall a great UK option for beginners and veterans alike.


Please bear in mind that the value of investments can decrease in addition to increasing and there is a possibility of receiving an amount lower than your initial investment. It is generally advisable to retain your investments for a minimum of five years in order to maximize the likelihood of achieving your desired returns. Capital at risk.

Review Criteria
Review Rating
Investment Options
Cost & Fees
Platform Usability
Customer Support
Security & Reliability
Regulatory Compliance & Reputation
Performance Tracking
Overall Review Score
Interactive Investor review Mobile App screenshot
Interactive Investor Mobile App

Interactive Investor Review 2024


In assessing the performance and capabilities of investing platforms like Interactive Investor (II), our review grading system offers a structured and objective way to evaluate various aspects of the service. 

Our goal in our II review review is to provide a comprehensive and balanced perspective on II highlighting its strengths and areas where it can improve. 

Our review has provided an in-depth look at various aspects of the investment platform, culminating in an overall average rating of 4.4/5. The analysis covered the breadth of features that II offers, seeking to uncover whether Interactive Investor truly stands as ‘the best of the best’ of investment platforms in the current investment landscape.

What is Interactive Investor?

Interactive Investor is a prominent UK-based online investment service provider, known for its comprehensive range of investment options and user-friendly platform. It serves as a platform for individual investors to manage their portfolios, offering access to a wide array of investment vehicles including stocks, shares, funds, and pensions.

What They Do

Interactive Investor provides its users with tools and resources to make informed investment decisions. The platform allows users to trade in stocks, bonds, funds, and ETFs both within the UK and internationally. It also offers tax-efficient accounts like ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) and SIPPs (Self-Invested Personal Pensions), catering to a broad spectrum of investment needs, from short-term trading to long-term retirement planning.

Interactive Investor Pros

  • Comprehensive Investment Options: Interactive Investor scores highly with a diverse range of investment choices, accommodating a variety of investor needs and strategies. The inclusion of ethical investment options is particularly commendable.
  • Quality Research Tools and Resources: The platform provides extensive, high-quality research materials and expert insights, which are invaluable for informed decision-making and continuous learning.
  • High Security and Reliability: The platform’s robust security measures and reliable performance, especially during high-volume trading, instil confidence and peace of mind in its users.
  • Strong Regulatory Compliance and Reputation: Interactive Investor’s adherence to FCA standards and its positive industry reputation reinforce its trustworthiness and reliability as a leading investment platform.

What Could Be Improved

  • Fee Structure for Infrequent Traders: The flat monthly fee model, while beneficial for active traders, may be less economical for those who trade less frequently.
  • Customer Support During Peak Times: Although generally effective, customer support could be improved during peak times to ensure consistent quality assistance.

Key Takeaways

Interactive Investor presents a compelling option for investors in 2024, balancing a wide range of investment options with an easy-to-use platform. Its commitment to providing high-quality research tools and maintaining a secure and reliable environment is particularly noteworthy. While its fee structure and customer support during peak times could be improved, the platform’s overall strengths make it an excellent choice for both novice and seasoned investors in the UK. 

What follows is a more in-depth analysis of our 8 Investment Platform review criteria.

Investment Options: 4.6/5

Interactive Investor provides a wide range of investment options, including stocks, bonds, funds, and ETFs, both in the UK and internationally. This allows for diversified portfolios and aligns with the trend of socially responsible investing. The quality of these options, with a focus on high-performance investment funds and shares, underscores their commitment to offering valuable investment choices.

Costs and Fees: 4.2/5

Interactive Investor uses a clear, flat fee structure, charging £9.99 monthly, which includes trading credits. This is beneficial for active traders but less so for infrequent traders or small portfolios, as the monthly flat fee may represent a larger cost proportion. Users should assess their trading frequency against these fees for cost-effectiveness.

Platform Usability and Design: 4.5/5

The platform is user-friendly, with intuitive navigation and a clean layout, ideal for beginners. Its mobile app enhances this accessibility. For experienced investors, it offers advanced tools like detailed charting and customizable watchlists, balancing simplicity for beginners and depth for advanced users.

Research Tools and Resources: 4.6/5

Interactive Investor excels in providing comprehensive research tools and educational materials, offering extensive market analysis and expert insights. These resources are crucial for informed decision-making and cater to investors at all levels, reflecting their commitment to investor support.

Customer Support: 4.1/5

Interactive Investor offers robust customer support via multiple channels. Users generally report satisfactory experiences, noting staff knowledge and responsiveness. However, there’s room for improvement in wait times during peak hours. Their proactive approach to customer feedback and continuous service enhancement is notable. It is worth noting that their Trust Pilot score is 4.7/5.

Security and Reliability: 4.7/5

Security and reliability are prioritized, with advanced encryption and secure login processes to protect user data. The trading platform’s stability, even in high-volume trading periods, assures prompt and accurate trade execution, highlighting their commitment to a secure investing environment.

Regulatory Compliance and Reputation: 4.6/5

Interactive Investor is well-regarded for regulatory compliance, adhering to FCA guidelines, which is crucial for user trust. Their positive industry reputation is maintained through consistent performance and customer service, demonstrating resilience and commitment in a challenging financial sector.

Performance Tracking and Reporting: 4.5/5

The platform offers effective performance tracking and reporting tools. These user-friendly reports provide real-time updates and analytical insights, aiding in strategic portfolio management. This clarity in performance tracking is advantageous for investors at all levels, offering valuable and accessible insights.

Interactive investor Review desktop screenshot Choosing Investments
Interactive Investor Desktop Screenshot Choosing Investments
Interactive Investor Review Funds Desktop Screenshot
Interactive Investor Funds Desktop Screenshot
Fee Type
Approximate Cost (GBP)
Investor Plan Fee
Funds Fan Plan Fee
Super Investor Plan Fee
Standard Trading Fee
Fund Management Fees
Varies by fund
SIPP Administration Fee
Approx. £10-£20/month
Foreign Exchange Fee
~1.5% of trade value
Withdrawal / Transfer Fee
Usually free (varies for transfers of investments)
For the latest and most accurate fee information, checking the II official website or contacting their support is advisable.

Interactive Investor Fees

Interactive Investor employs a fee structure that’s designed to accommodate various types of investors in the UK. Their fees are relatively straightforward, but it’s important to understand each type to manage your investment costs effectively. Below is a detailed explanation of their fee structure:

Service Plan Fees

Interactive Investor offers different service plans, each with a specific monthly flat fee. These plans are tailored to suit different investing styles and preferences:

  • Investor Plan: This is the standard plan, suitable for most investors. It typically includes a monthly flat fee of around £9.99, which provides a free trade credit each month, effectively making one trade per month cost-neutral.
  • Funds Fan Plan: Aimed at investors who predominantly trade in investment funds, this plan, costing slightly more per month (e.g., around £13.99), offers reduced trading fees for fund transactions and includes a monthly free trade credit.
  • Super Investor Plan: Designed for very active traders, this plan has a higher monthly fee (e.g., around £19.99) but offers lower trading costs and a higher number of free trades per month.

Trading Fees

Depending on your service plan, trading fees apply when you buy or sell stocks, shares, or other securities. The standard trading fee under the Investor Plan is typically around £7.99 per trade for UK stocks and shares. For those on the Funds Fan or Super Investor plans, these fees may be lower.

Fund Management Fees

When you invest in investment funds through Interactive Investor, you’ll also incur fund management fees. These are not fees charged by Interactive Investor but by the managers of the funds you invest in. The rate varies depending on the specific fund but is usually a percentage of your investment in that fund.

SIPP Administration Fees

If you opt for a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) with an Interactive Investor pension here, there’s an additional administration fee. This fee is on top of your chosen service plan fee and is for managing your pension. The Interactive Investor SIPP fee could be around £10 to £20 per month.

ISA Fees

Interactive Investor offers Stocks & Shares ISA accounts. There are no additional fees specific to ISAs; the standard service plan flat fee applies.

Foreign Exchange (FX) Fees

For trades involving foreign currency exchange, an FX fee is charged. This fee is applied as a percentage of the trade value when you buy or sell international securities. It compensates for the currency conversion involved. The FX fee rate is usually around 1.5% of the transaction value.

Inactivity Fees

One of the advantages of Interactive Investor is that they do not charge inactivity fees. This is beneficial for investors who prefer a buy-and-hold strategy and do not trade frequently.

Withdrawal and Transfer Fees

Generally, the Interactive Investor platform does not charge for withdrawing or transferring cash from your trading account. However, transferring investments (as opposed to cash) in or out of Interactive Investor trading account may incur fees, such as exit fees or re-registration fees.


TIC II Review Score 4.4/5

ii - Pro's and Cons

II is a well-established UK-based investment platform offering a wide range of investment options. Known for its fixed-fee pricing structure, it suits both active traders and long-term investors, providing extensive research tools and resources.

Please bear in mind that the value of investments can decrease in addition to increasing and there is a possibility of receiving an amount lower than your initial investment. It is generally advisable to retain your investments for a minimum of five years in order to maximize the likelihood of achieving your desired returns. Capital at risk.

ii Key Features

Interactive Investor Review Mobile App Screenshot
Interactive Investor Mobile App Screenshot
Interactive Investor Review Mobile App Screenshot FT
Interactive Investor Mobile App Screenshot FT

Here’s a detailed look at some of the key features that make Interactive Investor a preferred choice for many UK investors:

  1. Wide Range of Investment Choices
    Interactive Investor provides access to a vast array of investment options, crucial for building a diversified portfolio. UK users can invest in a wide selection of UK and international stocks, bonds, investment trusts, and funds, including Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and OEICs (Open Ended Investment Companies). This extensive range caters to various investment strategies, from conservative to aggressive.

  2. Ethical Investment Options
    Recognizing the growing trend towards ethical investing, Interactive Investor offers a curated selection of socially responsible investment choices. These options allow investors to align their portfolios with their personal values, focusing on companies with strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) credentials.

  3. User-Friendly Platform
    The platform is designed with user experience in mind. Its interface is intuitive, making it easy for both novice and experienced investors to navigate. The clean and straightforward design helps in quick access to trading, portfolio management, and account information. The mobile app further enhances user experience by allowing management of investments on the go.

  4. Research Tools and Educational Resources
    Interactive Investor stands out for its comprehensive research tools and educational content. The platform offers detailed market analysis, financial news, and a wealth of educational materials suitable for all levels of investors. These resources are instrumental in helping users make informed investment decisions and stay updated with market trends.

  5. Transparent and Competitive Pricing
    The platform operates on a transparent fee structure, with a flat monthly fee that covers trade commissions and platform usage. This pricing model is beneficial for active traders, making Interactive Investor a cost-effective choice. The clear breakdown of costs helps users understand exactly what they are paying for, ensuring there are no hidden charges.

  6. Robust Customer Support
    Interactive Investor provides comprehensive customer support through various channels, including telephone, email, and online chat. The support team is knowledgeable and responsive, ensuring users receive timely assistance and guidance.

  7. Advanced Security Measures
    Security is a top priority for Interactive Investor. The platform employs advanced security protocols, including encryption and secure login processes, to protect user data and investments. These measures provide peace of mind for users, knowing their personal and financial information is safeguarded.

  8. Performance Tracking and Reporting Tools
    The platform offers sophisticated tools for tracking and reporting investment performance. Users can easily access real-time updates, historical data, and analytical insights, vital for effective portfolio management. These tools are designed to be user-friendly, providing valuable insights in a comprehensible format.

  9. Regular Investment Plan
    Interactive Investor offers a Regular Investment Plan feature, allowing users to invest a fixed amount regularly into a selection of stocks, funds, and ETFs. This feature is particularly useful for implementing a dollar-cost averaging strategy, helping to build investments over time in a disciplined manner.

  10. Pension and ISA Options
    For those focusing on long-term savings, Interactive Investor Pension provides options for Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs) and Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs). Differing from the general investment account, these accounts offer tax-efficient ways to save and invest, aligning with various long-term financial goals of UK investors.

  11. Quick and Efficient Trading
    The platform is designed for quick and efficient trading execution. This feature is particularly beneficial during periods of high market volatility, where timely execution can be critical.

Investing Top Tip

Consider Exploring Diversification: Many investors find value in diversifying their portfolios across a variety of asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and commodities. It’s often suggested that diversification can be a good strategy to spread potential risks, as it avoids putting all of your eggs in the same basket.

Which Products and Services Available to UK Investors

Interactive Investor offers a comprehensive suite of products and services tailored to meet the diverse needs of UK investors. The web trading platform provides a range of options to cater to various financial goals. Here’s an overview of the key products and services available:

Trading Accounts

Interactive Investor provides a general Trading Account that allows UK users to buy and sell a variety of investments, including stocks, bonds, funds, and ETFs. Trading accounts offers flexibility with no limits on investment amounts or restrictions on withdrawals, making it suitable for both short-term traders and long-term investors.

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

The platform offers a Stocks and Shares ISA, which is a tax-efficient way for UK residents to invest. This Interactive investor ISA account allows users to invest in a wide range of assets while enjoying tax-free gains and income. The ISA has an annual investment limit set by the UK government, making it an attractive option for long-term savings.

Self-Invested Personal Pensions (SIPPs)

The Interactive Investor SIPP is designed for retirement savings. It offers a tax-efficient structure for pension contributions, with a variety of investment options similar to those in the Trading Account and ISA. SIPPs are ideal for individuals who want greater control over their retirement funds and investment choices.

Junior Accounts

The platform provides Junior ISAs and Junior SIPPs, allowing parents and guardians to invest for their children’s future. These accounts offer tax-efficient savings options and can be a great way to build a nest egg for children until they reach adulthood.

Ethical Investments

In line with the growing demand for responsible investing, II offers a range of ethical investment options. These include funds and ETFs that focus on companies with strong ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) practices, allowing investors to align their portfolios with their values.

Regular Investment Service

This service enables users to invest a fixed amount regularly into selected stocks, funds, or ETFs. It’s designed to help investors build their portfolio over time and can be a useful tool for implementing a disciplined investment strategy.

Research and Analysis Tools

II provides extensive research tools and financial analysis to help users make informed investment decisions. This includes access to market news, expert commentary, stock screening tools, and educational resources.

Portfolio Analysis and Performance Tracking

The platform offers advanced tools for portfolio analysis and performance tracking. Users can monitor their investments, analyse performance over time, and adjust their strategy accordingly.

Investment Clubs

For those who like to invest as part of a group, II supports Investment Clubs. This feature allows groups of investors to pool their money, make collective decisions, and manage their investments through the platform.

International Investing

II allows UK users to invest in international markets, offering access to global stocks and ETFs. This feature is ideal for investors looking to diversify their portfolios beyond the UK market.

Customer Support Services

The platform provides excellent customer service support, including a help centre, telephone support, and email assistance. This ensures that users can get help when they need it, from account queries to investment advice.

Interactive Investor opening Isa desktop screenshot
Interactive Investor opening Isa desktop screenshot

How to Open an Account with Interactive Investor

Opening a trading account with Interactive Investor is a straightforward process designed to be user-friendly and efficient. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Choose Your Account Type

    The first step is to decide which type of account best suits your investment goals. II offers a range of options, including a Trading Account, Stocks & Shares ISA, and a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP). Each account type has its own features and tax implications, so it’s important to choose the one that aligns with your investment strategy and financial goals.

  2. Visit the Interactive Investor Website

    Once you’ve decided on the investing account type, visit the II website. Here, you’ll find detailed information on each account type, along with the current fee structures and available investment options.

  3. Start the Application Process

    On the website, navigate to the account opening section and start the application process. This typically involves clicking on a ‘Join Now’ or ‘Open an Account’ button, which will lead you to an online application form.

  4. Fill in Personal Details

    The online application form will require you to fill in various personal details. This includes your name, address, date of birth, and National Insurance number. It’s crucial to ensure that all the information provided is accurate to comply with financial regulations and for the security of your account.

  5. Complete the Financial Details Section

    You will also need to provide information about your financial situation. This includes details about your employment, income, and investment experience. This information helps to assess your suitability for different types of investments and ensure that they offer advice and products that are appropriate for your circumstances.

  6. Agree to Terms and Set Up Your Account

    After filling out your details, you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions of using Interactive Investor’s services. It’s important to read these terms carefully before agreeing. Once you have agreed to the terms, you’ll set up your login credentials, including a username and password.

  7. Identity Verification

    As part of the regulatory requirements, II will need to verify your identity. This may involve providing a copy of your passport or driver’s license, and possibly a recent utility bill or bank statement for address verification. This process is essential to protect against fraud and money laundering.

  8. Fund Your Account

    After your account has been set up and your identity verified, the final step is to fund your account. You can do this via a bank transfer, debit card, or setting up a direct debit. The funding process is secure and straightforward, with clear instructions provided.

  9. Start Investing

    Once your account is funded, you can start investing. Interactive Investor’s platform provides a wide range of investment options and tools to help you make informed decisions. You can also access their research and educational resources to enhance your investment knowledge.

Opening an account with Interactive Investor is a process that combines ease of use with thorough security and regulatory checks. It provides UK investors with a gateway to a broad range of investment opportunities, all within a web trading platform known for its comprehensive tools and resources.

Investing Platform Comparison Table

Etoro Logo
Trading 212
Interactive Investor
Mobile App Usability
Variety of Assets
Stocks, cryptocurrencies, CFDs
12,000+ global stocks & ETFs, commodities, forex
Stocks 3000+, ETF's 1000+
1,000+ ETFs, Stocks (UK & International), Bonds, Ethical Investments
18,000+ markets, stocks, ETFs, commodities, currencies, bonds, funds
ISA Available
Yes (in conjunction with Moneyfarm)
Trust Pilot Score
Fee Score
Overall Review Score

Review of ii Key Takeaways:

    • Overall Rating: 4.4/5, indicating high user satisfaction and platform efficacy.
    • Investment Variety: Wide range of options including stocks, bonds, and ethical investments.
    • Fee Transparency: Clear, structured fees with different service plans for varied trading habits.
    • User Experience: Intuitive platform with extensive tools and resources, great for beginners.
    • Security: Strong focus on security, with FSCS protection up to £85,000.
    • Suitability: Ideal for all levels of investors, providing detailed research and educational content.
    • Account Opening: Easy and straightforward process for opening various types of accounts.
    • Comprehensive FAQs: Extensive FAQ section, addressing key investor concerns and platform features.

Frequently Asked Questions


Interactive Investor are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and use advanced security measures to protect your investment account and personal information. However, as with any investment, there is always a risk to your capital, and the value of your investments can go up as well as down.

Interactive Investor does not charge exit fees for transferring your account to another provider. This is part of their commitment to fair and transparent pricing.

Interactive Investor is an independent company. It has undergone various ownership changes over the years, and information about its current ownership can be found on their official website or through financial news sources.

Yes, Interactive Investor does have a mobile app. The Interactive Investor mobile app is designed to provide II users with convenient and flexible access to their investment accounts from their smartphones or tablets.

In the unlikely event that Interactive Investor goes bust, your investments are protected up to £85,000 by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). This scheme covers the loss of financial products, including stocks and shares, if a financial firm fails.

Yes, Interactive Investor can be a good choice for beginners. They offer a user-friendly platform, extensive research tools, educational resources, and a range of investment options, making it easier for beginners to start investing.

To exit positions, log in to your Interactive Investor trading account, navigate to the portfolio section, select the investment you wish to sell, and follow the process to execute a sell order. The process is straightforward, and customer support is available if you need assistance.

To withdraw money, log into your account, navigate to the ‘Cash & Transfers’ section, and select the ‘Withdraw money’ option. Follow the instructions to complete the withdrawal to your nominated bank account.

Interactive Investor typically does not pay interest on cash held in its trading accounts. It’s always best to check their current policy on their website for any updates or changes.

You can pay into your Interactive Investor account via bank transfer, debit card, or by setting up a direct debit. The process is simple and instructions are provided within the account dashboard.


The annual returns on an Interactive Investor Junior ISA (JISA) depend on the specific investments chosen within the account. JISAs can hold a variety of assets like stocks, bonds, and funds, and the return will vary based on market performance and the types of assets selected. For specific return rates, it’s advisable to review the performance of individual investments offered within the JISA.

Interactive Brokers’ trading account fee structure is known to be competitive relative to other investment platforms, especially for active traders. They offer low per-trade pricing and a tiered pricing structure based on trading volume. However, always compare with current market offerings to ensure it meets your financial needs.

An Interactive Investor (II) Joint Trading Account is a type of investment account that allows two individuals to jointly own and manage a portfolio of investments. This account is designed for pairs who want to combine their investment efforts, be they spouses, family members, or business partners.

Yes, if you hold dividend-paying stocks or funds in your Interactive Investor account, dividends will be paid into your account. You can then reinvest these dividends or withdraw them as per your preference.

Yes, Interactive Investor is covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), which can compensate you up to £85,000 per person per firm in case the firm fails.

Yes, Interactive Investor is considered a safe platform for online investing. They prioritize the security of their clients’ assets and personal information. One of the key security features they offer is two-factor authentication (2FA), which adds an extra layer of protection to accounts. Additionally, Interactive Investor employs advanced encryption technologies and follows stringent data protection protocols to safeguard user information and investments.

Interactive Investor is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. This means that they adhere to strict regulatory standards designed to protect investors. Being FCA-regulated also ensures that Interactive Investor operates with transparency and integrity, following the rigorous rules and guidelines set forth for financial services firms. This regulatory oversight should provide investors with an added level of trust and confidence in using their services.

Yes, Interactive Investor offers model portfolios. These are pre-built investment portfolios designed to cater to different investment goals, risk appetites, and time horizons. These model portfolios are managed and periodically rebalanced by their team of experts, providing an efficient way for investors to diversify their holdings without having to select individual investments themselves. Model portfolios can be an excellent option for investors who prefer a more hands-off approach or those new to investing who are seeking guidance and structure in building their portfolios.

Interactive Investor’s pricing is competitive with other investment platforms, especially considering the flat-fee trading account structure which can be cost-effective for active traders. However, “cheap” is relative and depends on your trading frequency and the services you use.

Interactive Investor is chosen by many for its wide range of investment options, transparent pricing, comprehensive research tools, user-friendly platform, and ethical investment choices. It’s suitable for both beginners and experienced investors.

To sell shares, log into your account, navigate to your portfolio, select the shares you wish to sell, and execute a sell order. The process is designed to be intuitive, with resources available if you need assistance.

Yes, you can buy UK gilts (government bonds) through Interactive Investor’s platform. They offer a range of fixed income securities, including gilts, which can be a part of a diversified investment portfolio.

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