How to Leverage Trade Crypto in the UK

Authored by:
Thomas Drury
Thomas Drury

Thomas Drury


Seasoned finance professional with 10+ years' experience. Chartered status holder. Proficient in CFDs, ISAs, and crypto investing. Passionate about helping others achieve financial goals.

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Reviewed by:
Dom Farnell
Dom Farnell

Dom Farnell


Dom is a Co-Founder and of TIC. A passionate investor and seasoned blog writer with a keen interest in financial markets and wealth management.My goal is to empower individuals to make informed investment decisions through informative and engaging content.

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Last Updated 12/02/2024
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Please keep in mind that Crypto assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law. To trade futures in the UK, you will not find legally a UK regulated exchange. Off shore exchanges may offer these services but they will not be FCA regulated so please act with caution.

Quick Answer: How Can you Leverage Trade Crypto in the UK?

In the UK, crypto futures trading is banned. Global exchanges may still offer this for UK residents but they will not be FCA regulated. Prioritise risk management and informed decision-making within legal boundaries to navigate the volatile crypto market safely and responsibly.

Introduction to Leverage Trading in Crypto

Spot Trading Fees
0.1% for some pairs, Zero fees for selected pairs
0.08% for makers, 0.10% for takers
Varied fees based on pricing tiers
Futures Trading Fees
0.01% for makers, 0.05% for takers
0.02% for makers, 0.05% for takers​
Not applicable
Up to 200x
Up to 100x on futures, 10x on spot trades
Number of Coins
1,520+ cryptocurrencies​
320+ tradable cryptocurrencies
Extensive range, exact number varies
User Base
Info not found
Over 20 million users worldwide
Large global presence
Deposit Methods
Crypto, Visa/Mastercard, Bank Transfer, etc.​
Crypto deposits; Fiat not supported directly​
Bank transfers, Debit/Credit cards
Withdrawal Fees
No fiat withdrawals​
Competitive crypto withdrawal fees​
Varies by asset and method
High, with cold storage for assets​
Proof of Reserves (PoR) report, $14.5 billion in assets
High, adheres to U.S. regulations
Unregulated in most jurisdictions​
Largely unregulated in major markets
Heavily regulated, U.S.-based
User Experience
Versatile platform for all levels
User-friendly, suitable for beginners and pros​
Known for trustworthiness, user ed.
Special Features
Copy Trading, Token Launchpad​
Spot Copy Trading across 120 spot pairs, Smart Account feature​
Crypto educational courses
Geographical Availability
Almost every country​
160+ countries, not available in North America
Global, focus on the U.S. market

Top 3 Crypto Trading Platforms in 2024


TIC MEXC Review Score 4.35/5

MEXC Futures - Best Exchange for Pro Traders

MEXC is a leading global cryptocurrency exchange known for its wide array of digital assets, including Cardano, and its user-friendly trading platform. It stands out for its robust security measures, competitive fees, and a strong commitment to customer support, catering to both novice and experienced crypto traders.



Please keep in mind that Cryptocurrency assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.

mexc spot trading webpage snippet
MEXC Desktop Screen Grap

TIC OKX Review Score 4.35/5

OKX - Best Exchange Overall

OKX Exchange, established in 2017 and headquartered in Seychelles, is a dynamic player in the global cryptocurrency market, offering a wide array of trading options and advanced security measures.



Please keep in mind that Cryptocurrency assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.

OKX Spot Trading Desktop Screenshot to Demonstrate Interface for OKX Review fees
OKX Spot Trading Desktop View

TIC Coinbase Review Score 4.2/5

Coinbase - Best for Beginners

Coinbase is renowned for its user-friendly interface, making it an ideal choice for beginners entering the cryptocurrency space. It also offers a robust security framework and a wide range of cryptocurrencies, ensuring a secure and diverse trading experience.



Please keep in mind that Cryptocurrency assets are volatile and currently unregulated. This volatility presents risk to your investment, and you may lose your funds. Profits from Cryptocurrency sales may be subject to Capital gains tax under UK law.

Coinbase Advanced Screenshot desktop for OKX vs Coinbase
Coinbase Trading Screen Grab

Introduction to Leverage Trading in Crypto

captures the essence of 'how to leverage trade crypto'. It features a person in front of a large digital display with cryptocurrency values, surrounded by holographic icons of various cryptocurrencies and visual metaphors for balancing risk and reward in a futuristic setting

Leverage and Margin Trading Defined In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, leverage trading stands as a powerful tool for traders looking to amplify their trading capabilities. Leverage, in essence, is the use of borrowed capital to increase the potential return on investment. Margin trading, a key aspect of leverage, involves borrowing funds from a broker (in this context, a cryptocurrency exchange) to trade a financial asset, which becomes the collateral for the loan.

The Crypto Leverage Trading Landscape

The crypto market, known for its volatility, offers a fertile ground for leverage trading. Here, traders can potentially profit from market swings in both directions—gaining from both rising and falling markets. Unlike traditional financial markets, the crypto space allows for higher leverage ratios, sometimes up to 100x, meaning traders can amplify their exposure to market movements significantly with a relatively small initial capital.

  • High-Risk, High-Reward: Leverage trading in crypto can magnify profits but also losses, making it a double-edged sword.

  • Accessibility: Many crypto exchanges offer leveraged trading products, including futures, options, and margin trading, making it accessible to a broad audience of traders.

  • Regulatory Landscape: The regulatory framework for leverage trading in crypto varies by jurisdiction, emphasizing the need for traders to be aware of the rules governing their trading activities.

In summary, leverage and margin trading in the crypto market offer traders the opportunity to significantly increase their exposure to market movements, using borrowed funds. However, the high levels of leverage available in the crypto market also come with increased risk, making it imperative for traders to exercise caution and employ sound risk management strategies. As the crypto market continues to evolve, leverage trading remains a key feature, attracting both experienced traders and those new to the digital asset space, drawn by the potential for substantial profits in a volatile market.

mexc futures trading webpage screengrab
Screen Grab of MEXC Trading

Understanding the Basics

Key Terms Explained

  • Leverage Ratio: This indicates the level of exposure relative to one’s own capital. For example, a 10:1 leverage ratio means that for every $1 of your own capital, you can control $10 in the market.

  • Leveraged Trade: Involves entering a trade using borrowed capital, amplifying both potential gains and losses.

  • Margin Trading: Trading assets by using funds borrowed from a broker or exchange, often requiring a portion of the total trade value as collateral, known as the margin.

How Leverage Trading Works in Crypto

Leverage trading in the crypto market enables traders to borrow funds to increase their trading position beyond what would be possible with their own capital alone. This can amplify profits if the market moves in their favor, but it also increases the risk of losses if the market moves against them.

Crypto vs. Traditional Markets

  • Crypto markets offer higher leverage ratios compared to traditional markets, which means higher potential returns but also increased risk.

  • The 24/7 nature of crypto markets allows for continuous trading, unlike traditional markets which have set trading hours.

  • Crypto markets are known for their volatility, which can lead to rapid gains or losses when leveraging.

The Mechanics of Leverage Trading

Borrowing Funds for Leveraged Positions

Traders can borrow funds from exchanges or brokers to enter leveraged positions, with the amount of leverage available varying by platform and market conditions. The borrowed funds increase the size of the trade without requiring the trader to provide the full capital upfront.

Initial Investment’s Role

The initial investment, or margin, is what the trader must deposit to open a leveraged position. This acts as collateral against the borrowed funds. The size of the initial investment typically determines the maximum leverage ratio that can be applied to the trade.

Trading Platforms and Their Functionalities

Trading platforms that support leverage offer various tools and features to manage trades, including:

  • Automatic margin calls to protect against excessive losses.

  • Various order types to enter and exit positions strategically.

  • Real-time data and charting tools for informed decision-making.

OKX Advanced Trading UI Mobile Screengrab for okx vs coinbase
OKX Advanced Trading Mobile Screengrab

Types of Leveraged Products

Futures Contracts vs. Leveraged Tokens

  • Futures contracts are agreements to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined price at a specific time in the future, often used for hedging or speculation without the need for physical delivery.

  • Leveraged tokens are crypto assets that provide leveraged exposure to the price movements of a cryptocurrency without the complexities of managing a leveraged position manually.

Spot Trading vs. Futures Trading

  • Spot trading involves buying or selling a commodity or asset for immediate delivery, focusing on the current market price.

  • Futures trading is based on contracts that speculate on the future price of an asset, allowing for leveraged positions.

Perpetual Trading’s Significance

Perpetual trading refers to a type of futures contract without an expiry date, allowing traders to hold positions for as long as they wish, provided they can meet the margin requirements. This has become particularly popular in the crypto market due to its flexibility and the continuous nature of cryptocurrency trading.

Each of these components plays a crucial role in leverage trading within the crypto market, offering traders a variety of mechanisms to potentially increase their returns while highlighting the importance of understanding the associated risks and market dynamics.

Risks and Rewards

Leverage Trading Risks and Mitigation: Leverage magnifies both potential returns and potential losses, making it a risky strategy, especially in the volatile crypto market. Key risks include:

  • Market Volatility: Sudden market moves can result in significant losses.

  • Liquidation: If the market moves against your position, you may be required to add more funds or face liquidation.

  • Debt: Borrowing funds means you owe money, regardless of your trading outcome.

Mitigation strategies involve:

  • Setting Stop Losses: Automatically closes your position at a predetermined price to limit losses.

  • Using Lower Leverage: Reduces potential losses.

  • Continuous Monitoring: Keeping an eye on market movements to make informed decisions quickly.

Potential Profits and Higher Risk: While leverage can lead to large profits if the market moves favorably, the reverse is also true. The higher the leverage, the greater the risk of losing your initial investment, sometimes within minutes due to the crypto market’s volatility.

Impact of Market Trends: Market trends can significantly affect leveraged positions. A bullish trend can amplify gains, while a bearish trend can expedite losses. It’s crucial to understand the current market trend and employ strategies accordingly.

Triangle diagram showing how leverage works when shorting

Strategies for Success

Analytic charts market trends

Trading Strategies

  • For Beginners: Start with low leverage to understand market movements without risking significant capital.

  • For Experienced Traders: Employ more sophisticated strategies like hedging to mitigate risks.

Risk Management and Maintenance Margin

Risk management is crucial in leverage trading. Always ensure you have sufficient maintenance margin to avoid margin calls and liquidation. Diversifying your investments can also help manage risk.

Leverage in Volatile Markets

In volatile markets, leverage should be used cautiously. Quick decisions and the ability to adapt to market changes are vital for leveraging effectively in these conditions.

Practical Tips for Leverage Traders

Managing Risk

  • Understand Leverage: Know how much leverage is appropriate for your risk tolerance.

  • Margin Calls: Add funds to your account or close positions to avoid forced liquidation.

  • Use of Stop-Loss Orders: Essential for limiting potential losses.

Demo Trading

Practicing with demo accounts allows traders to experience the market without financial risk. This is an excellent way for beginners to gain experience and for experienced traders to test new strategies.

Continuous Learning

The crypto market is constantly evolving, making continuous learning essential for success. Stay updated on market trends, new trading technologies, and strategies to adapt and thrive.

By following these guidelines, leveraging traders can navigate the complexities of the crypto market more safely and effectively. Managing risks while seizing opportunities for profit requires a balanced approach, emphasizing education, strategy, and caution.

Advanced Topics in Leverage Trading

menu home page mexc screengrab low fees statement
MEXC Low Fees Statement

Significance of Leverage Ratios: Choosing the right leverage ratio is critical to managing risk and potential returns. A higher leverage ratio can amplify profits on successful trades but can also magnify losses, making it vital to select a leverage level that aligns with your risk tolerance and trading strategy. Understanding the interplay between leverage ratios and market volatility can guide traders in making informed decisions.

Understanding Market Conditions and Trading Pairs: Effective leverage use requires a deep understanding of market conditions and the specific characteristics of trading pairs. Different assets may exhibit varying levels of volatility and liquidity, which can affect the suitability of certain leverage levels. Traders should analyze historical performance, current market trends, and news events that could influence price movements to select trading pairs that align with their leverage strategy.

Leveraging Digital Assets for Larger Profits: Trading in crypto with leverage allows traders to potentially earn larger profits from price movements in digital assets. By borrowing funds to increase the size of their positions, traders can capitalize on small price changes. However, this approach requires a solid understanding of the crypto market and a commitment to closely monitoring positions to manage risk effectively.

Security and Regulation

Importance of Security Measures: In leverage trading, the importance of robust security measures cannot be overstated. Protecting your trading account from unauthorized access and ensuring the safety of your funds are paramount. This includes using strong passwords, two-factor authentication, and being aware of phishing attempts.

Regulatory Considerations and Compliance: Navigating the regulatory environment is crucial for leverage traders. Regulations can vary significantly by jurisdiction and impact aspects such as the available leverage ratios, required disclosures, and platform compliance. Staying informed about the regulatory landscape helps traders choose platforms that adhere to legal standards and protect investor interests.

Choosing a Trading Platform: Selecting a trading platform with robust security and fair practices involves evaluating its regulatory compliance, security features, user reviews, and the transparency of its fee structure. Consider platforms that are well-regarded for their customer service, offer clear information about the risks of leverage trading, and provide tools for risk management.


Leverage trading in crypto offers the opportunity for significant profits but comes with its share of risks. The key to successful leverage trading lies in understanding and managing these risks through careful strategy, continuous learning, and a vigilant approach to market changes. Encourage a mindset of ongoing education and cautious optimism, recognizing both the potential rewards and the challenges inherent in leveraging digital assets.


  • Leverage Ratio: The proportion of borrowed funds to the trader’s own investment.

  • Margin Trading: Borrowing funds to trade financial assets, which serve as collateral for the loan.

  • Liquidity: The ease with which an asset can be bought or sold in the market without affecting its price.

  • Volatility: The degree of variation in the price of a financial instrument over time.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to laws and regulations set by governing bodies.

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): An additional layer of security requiring not only a password and username but also something that only the user has on them.


Leverage trading crypto involves using borrowed funds to increase potential returns on investment in cryptocurrency markets. Unlike regular trading, where you invest only your own capital, leverage allows you to open larger positions with a smaller amount of capital, amplifying both potential gains and losses.

Traders borrow funds from their chosen trading platforms or brokers as part of margin trading. This process involves agreeing to terms of borrowing, including interest rates and repayment conditions. It’s essential for traders to understand these terms fully to manage the increased risks that come with borrowing funds for leverage trading.

Trading with leverage in the volatile crypto market requires a good understanding of market trends, risk management strategies, and the specific leveraged products being used. Given the rapid price movements in crypto, leveraging can significantly increase the risk of losses, so it’s crucial to use stop-loss orders and monitor positions closely.

Leverage trading works with cryptocurrency futures by allowing traders to speculate on the future price of a cryptocurrency without actually owning the asset. Traders can open positions larger than their existing capital by using leverage, aiming to profit from future price movements. However, this comes with the risk of magnified losses if the market moves against the position.

Effective strategies for leveraging digital assets include conducting thorough market analysis, using technical indicators to identify potential entry and exit points, and employing risk management techniques such as setting stop-loss orders. It’s also recommended for traders to start with lower leverage to mitigate risks and gradually increase as they gain more experience and confidence in their trading strategies.

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Who Created This Content: This guide was authored by Thomas Drury is an experienced financial trader in leverage intruments, crypto and general investing.

He has over a decade experience in finance and holds Chartered Status in the financial industry, Thomas’s specialty is trading CFDs, Forex and Day Trading.

His crypto portfolio is heavily weighted towards Bitcoin and Ethereum, but enjoys trading low cap crypto’s with higher volatility. Thomas’s favourite trading strategy is break out Trading.

How This Content Was Created: Our assessment of the the trading crypto with leverage is rooted in rigorous research and firsthand experience. Here’s our methodology:

  • Platform Testing: We actively tested multiple platforms over a span of six months, analysing their functionalities, ease of use, and reliability.

  • Fee Analysis: Each platform’s fee structure was dissected to ascertain its competitiveness in the market.

  • User Feedback: We engaged with real users and considered their reviews and experiences, lending a holistic perspective to our evaluation.

  • Market Dynamics: Regular updates from industry news, changing regulations, and market dynamics ensure the guide remains current and reliable.

  • AI-Assistance: While human judgment and expertise are at the core of our assessments, we utilized AI tools to improve structure, critique our work.

Note: Our use of AI tools is strictly for data gathering and content assistance. All conclusions drawn and recommendations made are based on human analysis and judgment.

Why This Content Was Created: Our primary objective in creating this guide is to empower traders, both seasoned and novices, with impartial, comprehensive, and actionable information to make informed decisions.

We understand the complexity of the stock trading world and aim to simplify it for our readers.

While we hope our content is discoverable by those seeking insights, our main priority is to provide genuine value to our visitors.

We staunchly oppose content creation practices that manipulate search rankings or violate any standards of integrity.

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